The story of creation often gets least it did for me.
I never bothered too much with the beginning (Genesis). I was only ever interested in the endgame (What does Revelation say?).
Maybe you can relate.
“Skip the beginning and the steps it took in the middle... just show me what happens in the end.”
Perhaps you’re the type of reader who likes to check the last page of a novel before diving in, just to see if it’s worth reading the book in its entirety. Or maybe you love finding spoiler alerts for shows or movies before investing your time in watching them.
Spoiler alert: the ending isn’t the best part—there is so much beauty in how it all started and the journey it took to get there.
Creation sings His praises because the original intention and design of His perfect work is not just to thrive, but to glorify Him.
When we open to the first book of the Bible, it’s easy to gloss over the early stages of creation:
Day 1: God spoke light into the formless and empty void.
Day 2: Atmosphere and firmament were created, bringing order into the start of creation.
Day 3: Dry land formed, the gathered water was called “seas,” and plants were created.
Day 4: The sun, moon, and stars came into being—not just to illuminate the night, but to mark the passage of time from the perspective of Earth.
Day 5: Birds and sea creatures were spoken into existence; the very power of His voice brought beauty and order.
Day 6: The land animals were created by His very word.
But then something radical happened on Day 6:
Genesis 1:26 declares, “Then God said, ‘LET US make mankind in OUR image, in OUR likeness…’” Then in Genesis 2:7, “The Lord God formed man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.”
The Triunity (Elohim—the fullness of deity: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit) decided to create a being in their own image.
The desire for humankind was so profound that Jesus knelt down, got His hands dirty, and formed man from the ground. He could have simply spoken us into existence like the rest of creation, but He didn’t.
Intimacy became a factor in this act of creation. Love was shown in the manner of this being's creation.
Jesus gathered the dust from the ground and, like a potter molding clay, formed man. Not only did He get His hands dirty, but He also took it one step further by breathing His very breath into man, granting him life. It wasn’t enough for us to be merely spoken into existence; we were created with intentionality and intimacy.
I’ll say it again.
The Creator lowered Himself, got His hands dirty, and created mankind.
You were created intentionally and for a purpose.
“I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.” - Psalm 139:14-16
The ending of our story isn’t just the best part—it’s the why behind our beginning, and our journey of knowing our Creator that makes the story complete. We are the grand finale in His stages of creation.
Once man was created on the sixth day, He blessed all His creation and called it “good.”
Creation sings His praises because the original intention and design of His perfect work is not just to thrive, but to glorify Him.
As bearers of His image, are we praising Him daily and striving to honor Him in our everyday tasks?
With you in the hard and holy work,