Mitzi Brown

Interview with

Mitzi Brown

I love learning and reading. I've lived a lot, had some interesting careers, and have had an interest in psychology and the why's of life for as long as I can remember.  I like humor and use it often in therapy.

I accepted Jesus as a child spontaneously in response to a message in church on Sunday (much to the surprise of my parent). A series of hurts inflicted by good church people sent me scurrying far from God for many years. After a lot of wrong turns, God pursued me relentlessly until He got my attention and made it impossible for me to deny Him any longer.

"Grief and depression are real. Relationships are hard. Scripture is true and powerful..."

What’s one daily activity you find to be a “non-negotiable” for you to strengthen your relationship with Jesus:

I enjoy either running or walking most days  and listening to praise music, podcasts, staying in Scripture, and prayer. Not every day looks the same or has the same rhythm but every day goes better when it starts with an infusion of worship and Word.

What goals do you have set out for this year?

Whoa. Goals for 2021? I think I learned from 2020 not to get ahead of myself and to take each day as it comes. Honestly, I’m pretty content with life the way it is. God’s in control despite reports to the contrary😉

Name a moment where you saw God’s faithfulness:

On the hardest day of my life, an acquaintance showed up at my door smelling of fish and carrying a houseplant saying that God had moved them to come by and the calling was so strong they couldn’t ignore it.  I knew God saw me that day and used this acquaintance to make it known.

If you're a fellow advocate for mental health, can you explain why?

Grief and depression are real. Relationships are hard. Scripture is true and powerful and unfortunately  it’s often used in a way that is unhelpful and placating. I’ve struggled and I have wounds like everyone else. Like I said, you don’t escape unscathed from this life. I hope that my experiences and healing can help someone else find healing. I bring a unique mix of faith and science to mental health that many find healing, anchoring and comforting.

What is the greatest piece of advice given to you?

Don’t drink the water (while visiting Mexico).

You can learn more about Mitzi and how to get in touch with her for professional counseling services here.


Finding Peace in His Presence


Faith + Mental Health