You Can Do Hard + Holy Things
You Can Do Hard + Holy Things
“You want me to do what now, God?”
“No. Not a chance. There’s no way.”
“This must be something I imagined. I cannot do that. I am not equipped for that.”
“I just don’t want to. Anything but that.”
Can you relate, or am I alone in this?
I’ve had some profound conversations with God, especially during the seasons when I am actively pursuing Him. These moments are challenging, and they’re insights I could never arrive at on my own.
It reminds me of being in a relationship: as you both make the decision to deepen your connection, the conversations become more intimate and intentional. The goal is to grow closer, creating a solid foundation that can withstand future trials. The relationship evolves over time, refining one another in the process.
The love and wisdom of the Father found in Scripture provided me with the assurance to say “yes” when the unknown screamed “impossible.”
Yet, sometimes life changes so swiftly that it captivates me, distracting me from His presence.
When I find myself lacking in my pursuit of Jesus, the conversations tend to dwindle—not because He isn’t speaking, but because I’m no longer listening.
He never left.
I simply stopped showing up.
The focus shifts again, and the longing to abide in His presence returns. I engage once more through worship and prayer, and the void is filled. I find peace in His word, learning more each day about who He is and what He wants for me.
In His word, I discover more of His character, which helps me better distinguish His voice in my life. It should come as no surprise when I find He challenges me—not to hurt me, but because my heart is now ready and open.
Open for growth.
Open for His will.
Open for His glory.
These moments with the Father, woven together, may have seemed inconsequential at the time, but they led to meaningful lessons that I live out today. What once felt unfathomable and seemingly unattainable has, through faith, produced good fruit—the kind He envisioned for me all along. All I had to do was say “yes” to the next assignment. Clearly, from my defensive statements, I wrestled hard with the why’s and the how’s. Thankfully, His character does not reflect mine; His patience endured my feelings and untimely responses.
The love and wisdom of the Father found in Scripture provided me with the assurance to say “yes” when the unknown screamed “impossible.”
“I can” because He has promised to equip the call.
“Now may the God of peace who brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, the great shepherd of the sheep, by the blood of the eternal covenant, equip you with everything good that you may do His will, working in us that which is pleasing in His sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen.” - Hebrews 13:20-21 ESV
We can pursue hard and holy things because He has:
Called us to do so,
Equipped us for the task, and
Provides what we need exactly when we need it.
Moses, Gideon, Jonah, and Jeremiah all doubted their assignments, argued with God, and pleaded their cases as to why they couldn’t do it. Yet, they ultimately said “yes,” and while some of their journeys were difficult, they all gave glory to God for it.
You can engage in hard and holy things because Scripture affirms it.
We have a faithful, loving God on our side, ready to equip us for the journey and provide for every need according to the calling.
So, what is holding you back from saying “yes”?